
Install MySQL Database Server

Summary: This chapter shows you step by step how to install MySQL database server on Windows platform using MySQL Installer.

Download MySQL Installer

If you want to install MySQL on Windows environment, using MySQL installer is the easiest way. MySQL installer provides you with an easy-to-use wizard that helps you to install MySQL with the following components:
  • MySQL Server
  • MySQL Connectors
  • MySQL Workbench with Sample Data Models
  • MySQL Notifier
  • MySQL for Excel and Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Sample Databases and MySQL Documentation
To download MySQL installer, go to the following link http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/.
There are two files are available,
  1. If you have an online connection while running the MySQL Installer then you can choose the online installation version  mysql-installer-web-community.exe file.
  2. If you do NOT have an online connection while running the MySQL Installer then you can choose the  mysql-installer-community.exe  file.

Install MySQL via MySQL Installer

To install MySQL just double click on the MySQL installer file which one we downloaded earlier and follow the below steps:
Step 1: You can see several options on welcome screen so choose the first option: Install MySQL Products

Step 2 : MySQL installer checks and downloads the latest MySQL products including MySQL server, MySQL Workbench,etc.
Step 3 : After complete operation it will ask for click Next button to continue
Step 4: There are several setup types available. Choose the Full option to install all MySQL products and features.
Step 5 : Checking Requirements, After check the all requirements it will ask click on next button
Step 6 : Installation Progress will take some time to downloads all selected products. It is depending on which products that you selected and the speed of your internet connection.
Step 7 : Downloaded Products will be installed.
Step 8 : After Complete downloading and installing just click on Next button to continue.
Step 9 : Configuration Overview, Click Next button to configure MySQL Database Server
Step 10 : MySQL Server Configuration, choose Config Type and MySQL port (3006 by default) and click Next button to continue.
Step 11 : MySQL Server Configuration, choose a password for the root account. Please note the password securely if you are installing MySQL database server in a production server.
Step 12 : MySQL Server Configuration: choose Windows service details including Windows Service Name and account type, then click Next button to continue.
Step 13 : MySQL Server Configuration overview, MySQL Installer is configuring MySQL database server please wait until it is done and click Next button to continue.
Step 14 : After complete MySQL Server Configuration and installs sample databases and models just click the Next button to continue.
Step 15 – Installation process has been completed please click finish button to close the installation wizard and launch the MySQL Workbench.

In this tutorial, we have learned how to install MySQL in your Windows system using MySQL installer.

What is MySQL Download MySQL Sample Database