
Why window is always in default drive C?

Author Piyush Gupta

Many Users, Developers and Programmers are using Computer and they know how to format or install OS in system but very less users know this fact that Why window is always in default drive C ?

Here is answer of this question which come in mind every users or computer operator.
Default drive C is associated with the traditional floppy drives. Earlier than tough hard drive have become preferred(1980), floppy disks were used for booting the computers. Those had been available in sizes at that point: 51/4” and 31/2″. Those two floppy disk drives had been labelled as local Disk (A) and nearby Disk (B). After the discovery of hard disk, floppy disk of size eight inch got here into life. The difficult disk drive turned into named C. As soon as tough disks became widespread and floppy disks have become out of date, the power names A and B vanished.
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